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Smiths General Urology 18e


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The definitive guide to understanding, diagnosing, and treating urologic disorders – completely updated with the latest clinical developments

A Doody's Core Title for 2019!

Smith & Tanagho’s General Urology, 18th edition offers a complete overview of the diagnosis and treatment of the diseases and disorders managed by urologic surgeons. This trusted classic delivers a clear, concise presentation of the etiology, pathogenesis, clinical findings, differential diagnosis, and medical and surgical treatment of all major urologic conditions. The well-organized, user-friendly design makes relevant clinical information and management guidelines easy to find and simple to implement.


High-yield descriptions of the latest diagnostic modalities and management protocols
More than 1,600 illustrations and figures, including CT scans, radionuclide imaging scans, and x-rays
NEW chapter on robotic surgery in urology
Extensively updated chapters on chemotherapy of urologic tumors, neoplasms of the prostate, and vascular interventional radiology
Ideal for residents and medical students who require a concise and comprehensive reference
Great for board preparation
