C++ Standard Library - Non-book Item

C++ Standard Library

Quickstudy Barcharts

An extremely handy programmerā€™s standard library reference that is as durable as it is portable. This 6 page laminated guide includes a collection of function and class declarations defined as part of the C++ Standard. The declarations are contained in header files that can be categorized according to the functionality they provide. These essential declarations are used by developers of all skill levels to simplify the process of programming in C++. This guide is all script and is organized to find needed script quickly without using screen space or extra clicks - itā€™s already here at your fingertips. As with QuickStudy reference on any subject, with continued reference, the format lends itself to memorization. Beginning students or seasoned programmers will find this tool a perfect go-to for the at-a-glance script answer and memory jog you might need. At this price and for the bank of script included itā€™s an easy add to your programmerā€™s toolbox.
6 page laminated guide includes:
Standard Containers Library
Algorithm Library
Exception Library
Numeric Library
Memory Library
Iterator Library
Stream-Based I/O Template Classes
Legacy C-Style I/O in cstdio & cwchar
Strings Library
cctype & cwtype Library
cstdlib Library
cstring Library
string Library
thread Library
type_traits Library
Support for the C Standard Library


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Quickstudy Barcharts
Quickstudy Barcharts
Quickstudy Barcharts
Quickstudy Barcharts
Quickstudy Barcharts