Approximate Methods Of Higher Analysis - Paperback

Approximate Methods Of Higher Analysis

Kantorovlch, L. V. & V. I. Krylov

A unique text and reference for pure and applied mathematicians, engineers, physicists, and chemists, this book was a landmark in the literature of computational methods in mathematical physics in the twentieth century. The treatment remains of great interest because of its thoroughness and scope. A valuable historic source for methods and approaches to problems of mathematical physics, this text is enhanced by many detailed, worked-out examples.
Topics include methods based on the representation of the solution as an infinite series, the approximate solution of the integral equations of Swedish mathematician Erik Ivar Fredholm, the method of nets, and variational methods. Additional subjects include the conformal transformation of regions, principles of the application of conformal transformation to the solution of the fundamental problems for canonical regions, and Polish mathematician Dr. Hermann Schwarz's method.


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