I Am A Big Sister - Hardcover

I Am A Big Sister

Church, Caroline Jayne

“A must-read primer for anyone who has worked hard to lose weight and wants to keep it off.”—Tamilee Webb, MA, star of Buns of Steel

How to maintain weight. Don't rely on your neighbor's latest gym stories or diet fad. Lose It Forever is a cutting-edge self-help book based on data from the National Weight Control Registry. Inside, you’ll learn what’s worked for the thousands of others trying to lose weight fast—and keep it there.

Proven how to maintain weight strategies. Despite the overflowing bookshelves of dieting tips and health books, the U.S. remains the most overweight country in the world. Most people who work towards successful fat loss just gain weight back a few weeks later. And frankly, many of us are just always hungry or overeating. So, what’s unique about those who succeed? The answer is buried deep in the archives at the Weight Control and Diabetes Research Center, home to the largest study of successful long-term weight loss maintenance.

Learn how to make the life changes you need. The National Weight Control Registry includes data from more than ten-thousand individuals about their weight, nutrition and fitness habits, and weight management strategies. This is where Jason Karp comes in—a nationally-certified coach, medical doctor devoted to healthy living, and the founder of the REVO₂LUTION RUNNING™ certification program. In his unique self-help book, he boils data down into actionable tips and wellness strategies for your everyday life.

Inside, you’ll learn that not all carbs are bad, eating can increase energy, and maintainable ways to:

Monitor your fats, carbohydrates, and protein
Exercise (a lot!) daily
Control your calorie intake with diets that work
If you enjoy nutrition books, healthy eating books, or fitness books—like Mini Habits for Weight Loss, Why We Get Fat, or Good Calories, Bad Calories—then you’ll love Lose It Forever.


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