Immigration Stories From A Minneapolis High School - Paperback

Immigration Stories From A Minneapolis High School

Green Card Youth Voices

This book is a collection of digital narratives and personal essays written by thirty immigrant and refugee high school students from thirteen countries who reside in Minneapolis.
Green Card Youth Voices: Immigration Stories from a Minneapolis High School is a unique collection of thirty personal essays written by students from Wellstone International High School. Coming from thirteen different countries, these youth share stories of family, school, change, and dreams. The broad range of experiences and the honesty with which these young people tell their stories is captured here with inspiring clarity. Although their reasons for immigrating are vast, a common thread united them; despite tremendous tribulation, these young people continue to work toward the futures of which they dream. With the included study guide and glossary, Green Card Youth Voices is an exceptional resource for English and social science classes, adult learners, ESL classrooms, and book clubs. Each personal essay is accompanied by a first-person video narrative available online.


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Brower, Felicia
Ralphs, Matt; Wright, Gordy ( Illustrator )
Kwame, Alexander & Palmer, Charly (illustrator)
Bolte, Mari