The Leopard'S Furies - Paperback

The Leopard'S Furies

$7.49 $9.99
Miles, Steven H. M.d.

His career of torturing people for his government is finally catching up with Col.l Foday Anyoto MD of Sierra Leone. Doctors Against Torture persuaded a judge to issue an arrest warrant for crimes against humanity. But the international court refused to prosecute Anyoto, citing insufficient resources to pursue such a low rank officer.Sierra Leone agrees to hold a pretrial hearing to decide if Anyoto should sent on to a criminal trial.Sophie Thompson, a new attorney with the UN Human Rights Council, is assigned to present the evidence to the hearing. Arriving in Dakar, she is surprised to be given an assistant, Heloise Gbethi who is a law school intern with the UN.Heloise grew up in a co-op where women rebuild their lives after being tortured in Sierra Leone. She becomes Sophie's guide to torture, to Africa and to her Voodou-Catholicism.The two women work against a corrupt judge to convey the humanity of those who Dr. Anyoto's abused.The hearing and ruling have profound consequences for the hearing for two women for Dr. Anyoto.The author, Dr. Miles, is internationally known for his research of physicians who torture for their governments and for his efforts to hold them accountable. This is a historical novel based on truth.


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