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Official Gre Quantitative Reasoning Practice Questions 2nd Ed


Exclusive to McGraw-Hill—the only official guide focused on the Quantitative Reasoning measure of the GRE® General Test from the creator of the test!

The world’s most widely accepted graduate admissions test, the GRE General Test is taken by graduate and business school applicants from all over the world. Over 750,000 GRE tests are taken every year. Created by the company that makes the actual test, Official GRE Quantitative Reasoning Practice Questions, Volume 1 is the only guide from the actual test makers designed specifically for the Quantitative Reasoning measure of the GRE General Test. This guide includes vital test-taking information, instructional material, and 150 actual GRE Quantitative Reasoning questions with answers and explanations.

Students will find everything they need to prepare for the Verbal Reasoning measure of the GRE General Test.


• ETS is uniquely qualified to prepare students for the specific challenges of the GRE Quantitative Reasoning measure
• The book is featured prominently on the official GRE website
• Reflects the most current information on the Quantitative Reasoning measure of the GRE General Test
• 150 authentic GRE Quantitative Reasoning questions with answers and explanations for intensive practice
• Companion book to the Official Verbal Reasoning Practice Questions, Volume 1 and The Official Guide to the GRE General Test, 3rd edition
• eBook is fully accessible for individuals with disabilities

Educational Testing Service (ETS) (Princeton, NJ) is a private, nonprofit organization devoted to educational measurement and research, primarily through testing. Founded as a nonprofit in 1947, ETS develops, administers, and scores more than 50 million tests annually—including the TOEFL® and TOEIC® tests, the GRE® tests, and The Praxis Series® assessments—in more than 180 countries, at over 9,000 locations worldwide.
